Low prices for components of Mi Home smart home. Choose category:

Household security
Household security

Video cameras, alarms, locks

Lamps / Lighting
Lamps / Lighting

Lighting: lamps, bulbs, LEDs

Power switch
Power switch

Smart switches, wireless buttons, relay etc


Sensors, detectors, thermometers


Speakers, toys, TV, radio

Air Threatment
Air Threatment

Fans, Air Purfiers, air conditioners, humidifiers...

Hub / Gateway / Router
Hub / Gateway / Router

Main smart home controllers to connect and manage other smart devices via Zigbee or BLE protocols. Also in this category wi-fi amplifiers and smart routers

Kitchen Electronics
Kitchen Electronics

All for kitchen


Bathroom snart devices

Cleaning appliances

Smart mop, robot vacuum, washer and dryer etc

Pets & plants

All for cats, dogs and plants


Health trackers/monitors

Personal care & daily life

Bed, sofa, toothbrush...

Car-carried devices

All for cars and transportation

Office supplies

All for office: printer, chair, desk

Smart Home Kit
Smart Home Kit

Smart devices sets


Smart devices still not included to other categories

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